Te Kura o Wairau Board Of Trustees


We normally have six BOT members and staff rep. Our executive members have special expertise in finance and property.

Staff and Principal have an excellent relationship with the Board.


Current Board of Trustees


Coffin, Tony - Parent Representative and Presiding Member

Saliga Fauolo, Tise - Parent Representative

Nepia-Peeni, Erina - Parent Representative

Mita, Tui - Parent Representative

Argyle, Dennis - Parent Representative


Johnson, Teena - Principal

Petre, Amy - Staff Representative


Our Board



Code of conduct for school board members

Section 166 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (the Act) allows the Minister to issue a code of conduct for school board members of all state and state integrated school boards.

The code sets out minimum standards of conduct that each board member is required to meet.

The code of conduct came into effect for all board members on 21 June 2023.


BOT Code of Conduct (English)

BOT Code of Conduct (Māori)

For more infomation refer to the Ministry of Education website, link below.




Education Review Office

The Purpose of an ERO Report

The purpose of ERO’s reviews is to give parents and the wider school community assurance about the quality of education that schools provide and their children receive. An ERO school report answers the question “How effectively is this school’s curriculum promoting student learning - engagement, progress and achievement?” Under that overarching question ERO reports on the quality of education and learning outcomes for children and for specific groups of children including Māori students, Pacific students and students with special needs. ERO also reports on the quality of the school’s systems for sustaining and continuing improvements.

Te Kura o Wairau was last reviewed by the Education Review Office as part of its normal review cycle 29th May 2019, the full report is avaliable here. The next review is currently in progress, June 2024, as part of the normal cycle.

Copies of the previous ERO reports are avaliable here:

ERO 29/05/2019

ERO 05/12/2016

ERO 13/11/2013

The same reports are also avaliable direct from the Education Review Office Search.


Annual Audit Reports

Copies of the Annual School Reports are avaliable here;

Annual Audit Report 2023

Annual Audit Report 2022

Annual Audit Report 2021

Annual Audit Report 2020

Annual Audit Report 2019

Annual Audit Report 2018

Annual Audit Report 2017


Policy and Procedure Documents

Te Kura o Wairau is now using SchoolDocs for policy and procedures Documents.

Click the link above, and use the folowing details to logon and access the infomation.

User Name: tekuraowairau

Password: whanau




Inspire Net

A big thanks to Inspire for the web sponsorship

Te Kura o Wairau © 2024